Process and procedures: If you’re interested in contributing to this on-line site, click on the subject title and write a comment. Comment may not automatically appear on the site. Researchers will review your comment and they will decide whether or not to post your submission, depending on the appropriateness of the content in relation to this site and the objectives of the research.

Confidentiality: Before you write a comment, please be aware that, if accepted, your comment will be made public on this website. The data you submit to be published on this site will be anonymous, which means we will not require your name or contact details to contribute to this study. Your contributed posts may appear in academic presentations and/or publications. Your data will not be sold, shared or used for any other purposes other than those stated above for this research project. All submissions will be stored on a secured server for 6 years and destroyed after 6 years.

Right to Withdraw from Participation: As described above, you are not required to participate in this research project, and if you do contribute and change your mind, you can withdraw from the research at any time. If you wish to withdraw your submission(s), i.e., have your posts removed, please contact the Principal Investigator listed below via email. Thanks for your consideration.

Principal Investigator:
Professor Darl G. Kolb ([email protected])
Owen G Glenn Building (Building 260), 12 Symonds Street, Auckland, 1010

Head of Department (Interim Director, Graduate School of Management):
Professor Kenneth Husted ([email protected])
Owen G Glenn Building (Building 260), 12 Symonds Street, Auckland, 1010
Tel: 373-7599

For any queries regarding ethical concerns you may contact the Chair, The University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee, The University of Auckland, Research Office, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142.  Telephone 09 373-7599 extn. 83711.  Email: [email protected].

Approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 23 April 2020 for three years.  Reference Number 024103.